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Do you have a Heart cavity 🦷?

Updated: Oct 8, 2019


Did you know that your hearts can rot and decay because of things such as unforgiviness, pride ,and jealousy?

Your heart can be deeply infected with conditions of depression , forms of fatal anxiety, and many insecurities that are like bacteria that eats away at you and have dangers of spreading from inwardly to your outward appearance mentally and physically. This is the physical manifestation of what is happening in the spiritual realm.

This can cause life threatening sickness and infirmities such as cancer. These afflictions are none of which come from God, nor is he satisfied with his children coping with and accommodating these viscous viruses through temporal cures. We where never meant to live in these conditions but some how we’ve counted it as normal and acceptable. The enemy of the children of God uses these small tools and tactics to plaque the heart and kill the person. Do you have a heart cavity? How deep does it go? You won’t have any way of knowing unless you visit the heart doctor to do his procedures with his word. These manifest due to the absence of Gods love and truth. When something is rotting such as a tooth you either throw it out or fix it by doing a root canal.

I believe that’s what the father wants for you, not to throw you or your heart away but to do a root canal. He wants to clean out all the Gunk that you have accepted throughout lifes journey and heal and repair what was once damaged.

Once you deal with the root of your heart sickness all other things are then aligned with the realities of the father and the purpose of his plan of your recovery are now assessable. You don’t have to be afraid and the only insurunce that you will need to be treated is ,Jesus. So make your claim now and know that this will be the greatest health care you’d ever be covered by. -Chigga 💛🦷

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