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Wherever you grow🌱


I was a seed planted and buried, in an uncommon and unknown territory. There had been a numerous amount of times I felt unfitting and out of place. Nevertheless I grew, though I am the outcome of a broken family I am still worthy of the harvest. Often times I felt as though I belonged to no one. My parents were caught up in a lifestyle that ended their future to tend to their daughter and her needs. In the eye of man I was the unwanted responsibility, that some one volunteered to cultivate and water. My name is Chauncey. I know It was God's love for me that has provided the nourishment and affirmation that I have always yearned for, that is why I have grown. The evolution of my life is determining the freedom and elevation of many of those I have not yet encountered. God has given me the gift of influence and a multitude of trials and brokenness , the word says in Luke 12:48 “To whom much is given much is required.“ Before a seed grows it must first die, after death it is resurrected and is slowly developed and its roots begin to stretch and solidify. Perhaps, this method can be applied to our life? We experience hardships that kill our spirits and scar our souls but God brings resurrection in every dead thing And healing to everything that is broken. After facing each trial head on I knew I was blessed because those experiences have molded me into who I am now; as Romans 8:28 proclaims “We know that in God all things work together for the good who love him.“ I am a warrior,strong, firm, and crazy for the kingdom. But I am not satisfied. I have seen my starting point and I am way far along in my journey, shedding the cocoon that life has shoved me into and gaining the hearts of others for God's glory. My evolution is so profound that I don’t even recognize myself sometimes ,but I know that God has more in store. I never want to unnecessarily postpone the breakthrough or opportunity for personal growth, or the growth of others. I plant seeds, I harvest plants , and if I must, I will move a mountain if it was required of me. I am what you call uncommon, because I keep going no matter what life brings me. For sometime that made me uncomfortable and I hated who I was and wanted to let go many times and uproot what God had planted, because that’s what I was taught by this world, that my good enough wasn’t good enough. But as Philippians 1:6 declares “He that began a good work in you shall complete it.” It doesn't matter where the the seed is planted or even who planted the seed. Since God has been in my life I have challenged that idea and light has been projected on the thought that maybe uncommon isn’t so bad. I am ready to evolve because It is my mission to bring nations with me on my journey to change. I am ready to evolve because life has just begun. I am ready to evolve because I am ready for the world to see who God is through MY hands , through THESE feet , through THIS mouth, through ME. I am ready to evolve because I am Desperate to be the difference. I WILL GO. i WILL GROW wherever I GO.- Chigga 🌱💛

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