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Faithing it

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

How often is it that you choose to go beyond what is logical ? How many days do you wake up and say today I’m gonna transcend the illusions of life’s limitations ? Hebrews 11: 6 says "It is impossible to please God without faith". "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen", as Hebrews 11: 1 expresses.

Faith to us is like heavenly currency that God uses as our down payment to bless and reward us. If you live your life without faith , you’re just a broke believer. It is also questionable if you are truly a believer if you have no faith . Faith is the beginning and the pre-requisite of being a true believer, and as we increase in maturity our faith is also called to new levels of radicalism. Faith gives us a confidence in things we have never seen nor proven “For we walk by faith and not by sight “ ,true faith will have you looking nuts ! I for one can attest to this.There where many times I had to defend my faith for not applying to a job directly after college, living wherever the lord “led me “ and being fully

dependent on him.

Many would logically look at me and determine that I was an idiot and lazy and using God as an excuse to live off of others and avoid responsibility when in actuality the lord was using my circumstances to stretch and strengthen not only my faith but the faith of those around me. The higher you go in God like in the natural if you don’t pass the pre- requisite class you can’t continue to the next level. You must know that if you desire to live a life that pleases God it’s gonna require faith that is beyond yourself and sometimes it cost and goes against all logic! You have to be the one who determines if it’s a risk worth faithing or not ! - Chigga 💛

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