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Do you know what you’re carrying ?

Updated: Jan 1, 2019


So this morning I woke up a little late and as I was in a rush I decided to just put some jeans on. In my efforts to make work on time I realized that I had forgotten my I.d. card to swipe in for work. As a result I have no wallet and now I’m walking around hungry defeated and have no money on me to get anything to even snack on. As I’m sitting at work I randomly dig in my pocket, and I pull out a dollar that I didn’t know was there.

God showed me this is exactly how his other children walk around not knowing the value they carry. Not knowing the resources God has placed in their hands to create wealth . You must know the value you carry, so you are not walking around clueless. If you don’t know you got it how can you tell if you lost it ? It’s easier for the enemy to steal something you where never aware that you had. Lastly if you walk around without knowing what you carry you will cope without and stay comfortable in that. You are not created to be stagnant. But because you aren’t aware of your identity you continue to stay put and not grow. So whether you read this today or tomorrow know that God has given you value without you doing anything, or asking him to. You carry a seed that can be grown and harvested by only God himself. Know that you’re carrying something greater than you think ! - Chigga

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