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Loving your stretch marks 💛

Updated: Jan 1, 2019


I was looking at myself in the mirror as I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel and I noticed that I have strech marks. These are physical representations of the weight one carries. As I noticed most people are ashamed of stretch marks ,as it records the evidence of the increase in gaining of mass. They are natural reaction to when the body is expanding. Each stripe a recording of what you are becoming reminding you of growth. As I sat longer and continued to think 🤔 what if we have spiritual stretch marks ? What if the trials and hardships that we face is the greater expansion of ourselves. What if us being uncomfortable for the moment is the wrong perspective? Stretch marks are the tallying of who you have increased to be. The process doesn’t always show in the form we prefer but it comes ! So why not love and celebrate your spiritual stretch marks they are the marking and upkeep of how much weight you’ve gained over time and trusting God! Take a moment to recollect your stretch marks and this time see them how God sees them a mark of celebration! -Chigga 💛

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